maybe it’s because I love the golden gate bridge… Maybe it’s because I love running 13.1 miles मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू What I eat In A Day – runner edition What I ate in a day. Food diary from a runner not currently training for a marathon or half marathon. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks …
म पुरुषको कोठामा छु
यस हप्ता मेरो जिम महिलाको लकराकर कोठाको मर्मत गर्दैछ, त्यसैले सबै महिलाले पुरुषको लकराकर कोठा प्रयोग गर्नुपर्दछ र पुरुषहरूले महिलाको प्रयोग गर्नुपर्दछ। के तपाईं जवान केटाहरू बाथरूम र परिवर्तन कोठाको बारेमा जिज्ञासु हुनुहुन्न? म क्लाइन हुँ, तर वास्तवमा त्यहाँ मान्छे मानिस मान्छेहरू थिए भने त्यो कत्ति धेरै रमाइलो हुने थियो? यो केवल महिला कोठा जस्तै …
Friday Favorites–Plus Sized SI model
Hello! How’s it going? It is going gorgeously over here! MY latest VIDEOS Travel Jane Review Travel Jane portable urinal review. अधिक भिडियोहरू 0 seconds of 8 minutes, 1 second अगाडि Before We Were Strangers Review 09:42 बाच्नु 00:00 08:21 08:01 Post-run fuel included this breakfast burrito. Eggs and carbs wrapped up and sprinkled with …
Sports Bra stained
I was so bummed to realize my new sports bra bled on my new Disney Marathon shirt ? I was wearing a warm long sleeve pullover on top of this and didn’t realize until I got home from my run. I have other hot pink sports bras, but this never happened before? Boo! I was …
Ironman Texas 70.3 starring Lance Armstrong
Tim O’Donnell won the Texas 70.3 Ironman in 3:47:40 for the men today! Kelly Williamson won it in 4:13:27 for the ladies! मेरो सबैभन्दा हालको भिडियोहरू म्याराथन प्रशिक्षण दिन 5 Marathon training Running blog – Run eat Repeat. training plan day 5. अधिक भिडियोहरू 0 seconds of 4 minutes, 34 seconds अगाडि Then She Was …
व्यक्तिगत ट्रेनर प्रश्नहरू VLOG
नमस्कार! मेरो पेट गुनासो गर्दा म एक राम्रो सानो खाजा बीचको बिहान थियो। त्यो स्याउ विशाल थियो। केवल देखिलिलियेट। म वास्तवमै आज ब्लगहरूमा समात्न चाहान्छु, तर जान्छु कि मैले मेरो समयको साथ कुशल हुनुपर्दछ। मसँग एक “शक्ति ब्लग पठन” को लागी 1 minutes मिनेट छ र त्यसपछि गुगल रिडर बन्द गर्नुहोस्। यो पर्याप्त समय थिएन, …
Bread for breakfast
Of course I had to have some of the Irish soda bread for breakfast! I know I am going to eat it anyways, so it’s best to actually eat it during a meal rather then sneak slices in between meals all day. I toasted up a piece and slathered it with almond butter = divine. …